Saturday, 18 June 2016

Gas Sensor Based Automation

Gas Sensor Based Automation 

Fire Alarm systems can be used to alert people just at the instance of occurrence of Fire accident. Particularly if fire accident is due to LPG gas or Marsh gas or Methane (CH4) then this project can be used to alert people on leakage of gas.

Sensor Has 4 pins 
1. Vcc should be connected to 5v
2. Gnd should be connected to 0v
3. AO Analog should be connected to ADC input
4. DO If Analog o/p is used then not required other wise it gives Digital output Logic 1 when gas is

Sensor detects Methane gas CH4 if present in air and gives equivalent analog voltage proportional to concentration of CH4 gas.

In this experiment a cotton piece is dipped in rectified spirit and placed near sensor to show how it produces analog output for 10bit ADC values are shown on LCD with appropriate message

1. If  Sensor output is below 500 then considered as safe
2. if it reads between 600 to 900 considered as critical 
3. if it reads above 900 considered as danger immediate attention is required

                                                                Download - code

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