Digital Thermometer using ARM Cortex M3
Digital Thermometer using Temperature Sensor LM 35 is most accurate and precise up to 0.4 degree Celsius. LM 35 is the temperature sensor with 3 terminals seeing from flat end terminal 1 is Vcc which should be connected to 5 V or 3.3 V and terminal 2 is V out which is the analog output which should be connected to ADC. Terminal 3 is ground.
As ARM Cortex M3 operates at CMOS level Vcc should be 3.3 v (max) and Vout is the analog output pin which should be connected to Analog to Digital Converter also 100 ohm resistor should be connected to Vout and Gnd.
Input should be taken from Vout and conversion formula is 10millivolts per degree.
Temperature in (Degree Celsius)=( (3.3*d/1023)*100);
As per Demo Initially glass with Ice water is placed near sensor and then it is removed to observe variation in surrounding temperature.